Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Basic Hermit Crab Exhibit

Hi there, are you thinking about getting a hermit crab? If so, here is a basic way to set up an exibit.

You want to make sure that your crabs have enough space. Depending on the amount of crabs you are getting, you will need different sized cages. For 1-2 hermit crabs, try getting a 1' by 1' cage. If you are getting 3-5 hermit crabs, try a 2 (or three if you can find it) by 1.5' cage. The floor of the cage should be covered in 1-3inches of sand (preferably w/ calcium in it). It's nice to have 2 different water containers in the cage. One should be small, with DISTILED waster and a spounge in the middle of it. The other can be whatever size you wish for it to be, but don't make it too big. This other dish should contain salt water (get a 10.1 full oz water bottle {Make shure you have DISTILED water} into the water, put 2tsp of aquarium salt. If you can't buy DISTILED water, there is a simple solution. By a regular water bottle. Take off the cap and leave the water sitting out in an open place {Any kitchen surface works fine}. Leave the water out for about 2 days, and tada, you have DISTILED water.) You may want to know why I keep putting enphysis on the word DISTILED, well it's because if you don't give your crabs DISTILED water, they will die of clorine poisoning, trust me been there, done that.

You also need to suply food for your crab(s) Find a small dish, a little bit bigger than a quarter works fine, but the bigger it is, the less often you have to refil it. Cover the bottom of the dish in crab food...there are many types. The favorite amongst my crabs is Jurassi Diet, but there are others that work fine.....just don't change your crabs diet, because it can make them sick. If you have multiple containers, or a good sized one, you can put more than one food in the cage. There are many foods you can give your crab other then crab food. They like dried bannana chips, carrots (keep the carrots moist), apple slices (dried)*, you can give them non slated, non buttered popcorn, certian fish, and other foods as well.

You need to keep different sized shells in your exhibit. For 1-2 crabs try to have about 4shells. For 3+ try to have 5-7 shells. If they find one that they like, when your crabs are big enough, they will switch into a different shell.

Keep a shelter in the exhibit. Crabs like a nice dark place to sleep durring the day. Coco Huts work well, and so do other crab made shelters that you can find at a local petstore.

Try to have more then 1 crab. Studies show that they will live much longer if they have a buddy.

The last thing you need is something to keep the cage warm. Crabs need to be kept in a 70-80 degree enviroment. Try getting a space heater (from a petstore), it doesn't need to be plugged in all day and night, though some people chose to do so. Place the heater either in the center of the cage, or in the area where your crabs spend the most time. It really needs to only be plugged in for a few hours. let the sand warm up in the area where the heater is...if it gets really hot, inplug it.

Check out PetCo and PetSmart for good prices on crab items.


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